Reset Windows Server Azure VM Admin Password

Don't ask me how, but the password in the CredVault was wrong, and no one was owning up to changing the master admin password. So this »

Move SQL Server system DBs (master and msdb) to a new location

How to move the master and msdb databases ands their logfiles to a new location. I used L:\ as my log disk, and E:\ as my »

Azure Web Site with SQL Server VM

As of October 2014, you cannot use an SQL Server hosted as a VM as a database server for an Azure Website. This is because Azure »


makecert.exe isn't as Spooky as you think

Using makecert.exe to generate a self-cigned SSL certificate at commandline isn't that bad, but this is a nice GUI wrapper for it anyway. http://makecertui »

Shrink SQL Database Transaction Log

I was migrating a large-ish (~1GB) database from one server (MS SQL Server 2008) to another (MS SQL Server 2014), with a full transaction log. The »

MS SQL Database Stuck Restoring

When an MS SQL Server database is being restored, and either errors out or times out, and the staus of "Restoring" persists, even after a restart »

Connect VPN Automatically

I created a server that needed to be connected to the VPN at all times. Here's three ways of doing it, but I used the last »